: of, relating to, or being a mechanism or device in which information is represented by continuously variable physical quantities
Your speakers are analog technology in all its nearly century-old glory … . As the speakers get their signals from the cables, the drivers vibrate in a continual state of flux as the changing analog signals are fed to them. The drivers are presenting an analogy of what came from the original source, even if the source started off digital, such as a CD.—
Ron Goldberg
: of or relating to an analog computer
In an analog machine each number is represented by a suitable physical quantity, whose value, measured in some pre-assigned unit, is equal to the number in question.—
The World Treasury Of Physics
of a timepiece
: having both hour and minute hands
an analog watch
: not digital : not computerized
Of course, it's possible to meet someone online, but it's just as tough as the old, analog ways.—
Anita Hamilton
: of, relating to, or being an analogue
variant spelling of analogue entry 1
: something that is similar or comparable to something else either in general or in some specific detail : something that is analogous to something else
historical analogues to the current situation
an aspirin analogue
: an organ or part similar in function to an organ or part of another animal or plant but different in structure and origin
The gill of a fish is the analogue of the lung of a cat.
usually analog
: a chemical compound that is structurally similar to another but differs slightly in composition (as in the replacement of one atom by an atom of a different element or in the presence of a particular functional group)
: a food product made by combining a less expensive food (such as soybeans or whitefish) with additives to give the appearance and taste of a more expensive food (such as beef or crab)
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