plural highlights
: something (such as an event or detail) that is of major significance or special interest
Visiting the Alps was a highlight of their trip to Europe.
: a summary of the most significant or interesting parts of something (such as a completed sporting event) presented typically on a television broadcast
—usually plural
watched highlights of the night's games
: a spot or area that is lighter than surrounding spots or areas: such as
: the lightest part or one of the lightest parts of a painting, drawing, etc.
: one that depicts the areas of the subject receiving the greatest amount of illumination
added highlights to the painting
used white pencil for the highlights and charcoal for the shadows
: a lighter area of the hair
: such an area created artificially (as through the application of chemical substances)
—usually plural
brown hair with blond highlights
highlighted; highlighting; highlights
: to throw a strong light on
The moon highlighted the tree tops.
Outdoor lighting is an important part of any garden design, providing ambiance and highlighting key features like plants, water features, and walkways.—
East End Taste Magazine (online)
: to constitute a significant or especially interesting part of : to constitute a highlight of
His trip to Italy was highlighted by a visit to the Colosseum.
The defending champion Bulldogs won three events, highlighted by Kowal's record in the 100-meter breaststroke …—
Harvey Araton
: to mark (text) with or as if with a highlighter (see highlighter sense 2)
Encourage them to keep a journal and to highlight important entries.—
Jessica Schrader
Whenever this pattern reversed itself, the numbers in Table 2 were highlighted in bold print.—
LuAnn Soliah et al.
: to cause (something, such as text or an icon) to be displayed in a way that stands out on an electronic screen (as of a computer or smartphone)
highlighted the sentence and deleted it
By clicking on highlighted words, called hot links, you're instantly taken to other Internet sites that offer additional or related information.—
Victoria Von Biel
: to add highlights (see highlight entry 1 sense 2b) to (hair)
Jonathan, old enough now that he no longer lets his mom highlight his thick brown hair, plays guitar and likes to shoot hoops with his dad …—
Patrick Rogers, et al.
To add drama to her already highlighted hair, Beyoncé has fine, platinum highlights temporarily bonded to the strands around her face.—
Barb Sgroi
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