also -ˈa-grən-
: acting or intended to enhance one's power, wealth, position, or reputation
… staggeringly self-aggrandizing greed and theft …—
William J. Astore
… a self-aggrandizing cad bent on gathering for himself whatever spoils he can amass from the public coffers.—
Paul Beckett
: boastful often in disregard of the truth
self-aggrandizing remarks
… the skill of talking about yourself in a natural way without coming off as a self-aggrandizing braggart. —
Jim Murray
… whose dishonest, self-aggrandizing memoirs adroitly snookered the public … —
Frank Rich
We hear of the self-aggrandizing fantasies which he told his sisters, as tales to amuse them. —
Robert Penn Warren
… was publicly suspended with no pay for six months after it emerged that he repeatedly told a self-aggrandizing, false story about being aboard a military helicopter hit by an RPG over Iraq. —
Kieran Corcoran and Christopher Brennan
plural self-aggrandizements
… the construction of monumental buildings for self-aggrandizement.
Beatrice Forbes Manz
A native reticence, almost an aversion to anything that might be construed as boasting or self-aggrandizement, is paired with innate optimism, loyalty and a quiet determination.
Steven Winn
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