More than ROY G BIV
Find out if you are vulpine or asinine
You’re gonna need some moxie to ace this quiz
Find out who’s behind "leotard," "morphine," and more.
Find out if you’re a space cadet or the bee’s knees
Make sure you know the difference between a loo and a lift
For each set of words, which one doesn't belong?
From colorfully-eyed monsters to naivety, this quiz is about all things green.
Can you tell a tapir from an aardvark?
Are you the kind of person who tends to cavil?
For each set of words, can you tell which one is not a synonym of all the others?
Can you tell your macaroons from your macarons?
Words to improve your Scrabble game
No tricks, just hard words you might encounter in the wild.
Can you tell chartreuse from vermilion?
How do people take and hold power?
13 tricky words to spell
A warm and toasty quiz to nestle into
New Year, Recondite Vocabulary
Tough words and tougher competition.
A gift in question form
How many do you know?
It's a whole mood
Why do we call the season ‘fall’?
See Definitions and Examples »
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