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Est. 1828
Grammar & Usage
Commonly Confused (page 3)
'Cite' vs. 'Site' vs. 'Sight'
Spotting the differences
On 'Eminent' and 'Imminent' (and 'Immanent')
The difference will be clear in a moment
'Role' or 'roll'?
Knowing the difference
'Elude' and 'Allude'
They can be hard to pin down
A Talk on 'Pronounce,' 'Articulate,' and 'Enunciate'
We'll make things clear.
'Precede' or 'Proceed'?
We'll get on with it
'Augur' or 'Auger'?
How to read signs of their confusion
'Torturous' and 'Tortuous'
No need for them to be all twisted up
'Preposition' and 'Proposition'
What's the difference?
The Difference Between 'Hoard' and 'Horde'
Keep this close by in case you need it.
On 'Feign,' 'Feint,' and 'Faint'
No false moves here.
'Incredible' or 'Incredulous'?
It's amazing! (Or is it?)
'Intra-' and 'Inter-': Getting Into It
Usage advice within
'Former' and 'Latter'
Let's get them in order
The Difference Between 'Libel' and 'Liable'
Don't hold us at fault if you can't keep them straight.
Is it an 'endnote' or a 'footnote'?
Take note.
'Alumni' vs. 'Alumnus'
An accelerated course of study
'Breath' vs. 'Breathe'
Don't hold your breath.
We Got You This Article on 'Gift' vs. 'Present'
And yes, 'gift' is a verb.
'Cease' vs. 'Seize': Explaining the Difference
A cease and desist order has been filed.
On 'Anecdote' and 'Antidote'
One's a story, the other's a cure.
On 'Prescribe' and 'Proscribe'
Just what the doctor ordered (or not).
On the Difference Between 'Incite' and 'Insight'
Not that we're looking to start something.
The Ruling on 'Amiable' vs. 'Amicable'
Is it ‘based on’ or ‘based off’?
'Based on' is more popular.
On ‘Corps’ and ‘Core’ and ‘Corp’ (and ‘Corpse’)
Do not confuse these words
'Equity' and 'Equality'
What's fair is fair.
Convening on 'Counsel' and 'Council'
We drop the gavel.
'Inequity' vs. 'Iniquity'
Not all words are created equal.
9 Pairs of Words That Look the Same But Different
When a few letters make a large difference
Are We Entering 'Uncharted' or 'Unchartered' Waters?
We'll map it out for you.
On 'Optometrist,' 'Ophthalmologist,' and Similar Terms
Is it any clearer now?
An Explication on the Use of 'Explicit' and 'Implicit'
Making things clear
The Deal With 'Trader' and 'Traitor'
You can trust our intentions
'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'?
We're intent on clearing it up
'One in the same' or 'One and the same'?
Is it all the same anyway?
'All over sudden' vs. 'All of a sudden'
Figuring it out at once
'Utmost' vs 'Upmost': Utter Confusion Resolved
What does "ut" mean anyway?
'Transmissible' or 'Transmittable'?
A usage guide
Keeping 'Vane,' 'Vain,' and 'Vein' Properly Circulating
And some idioms in the same vein
'Treatment' vs. 'Cure'
Explaining the differences
Dipping into 'Swum' vs. 'Swam'
Which is the correct past participle?
'Confidant' vs. 'Confident' vs. 'Confidante'
We can trust you with it
A Lesson on 'Unmoral', 'Immoral', 'Nonmoral', and 'Amoral'
Which to use when?
On ‘Recoup’ and ‘Recuperate’
Getting back your money or back on your feet
'Ventilator' or 'Respirator'?
How they differ and overlap
How to Remember 'Affect' and 'Effect'
A simple way to keep them apart. (Most of the time.)
The Difference Between ‘Osculate’ and ‘Oscillate’
Watch your tongue when you’re by the fan.
'Clean,' 'Sanitize,' or 'Disinfect'?
Keep it clean.
'Diagnosis' vs. 'Prognosis'
They occur in alphabetical order.
Is there a difference between ‘clean’ and ‘cleanse?’
Either gets the job done.
'Xenophobia' vs. 'Racism'
Where they overlap and how they differ
A Guide to Coronavirus-Related Words
The terminology you're likely to hear
'Pandemic' vs. 'Epidemic' vs. 'Endemic'
How they overlap and where they differ
'Ado' vs 'Adieu': All the Fuss
Without further delay, here’s the difference.
'Aluminum' or 'Aluminium'?
A tale of two spellings
Sorting Out ‘A Lot’ and ‘Allot’
A whole lot of sense
Checking In with 'Check' and 'Cheque'
Our endorsement for each.
Putting 'Edible' and 'Eatable' on the Table
Giving you something to chew on.
Out to Sea with 'Wave' and 'Waive'
Find out where we waver.
Is It 'Hanger' or 'Hangar'?
How to remember which is which
Minding 'Never mind' and 'Nevermind'
Not to mention 'nvm' and 'nm'
A Brief on 'Brief' and 'Debrief'
The 'de-' means "do the opposite of."
On ‘Infringe,’ ‘Encroach,’ and ‘Impinge’
We’re all up in your business with them.
The Trick to Choosing 'Pawn Off' or 'Palm Off'
Turn to history as your guidepost.
'Appraise' or 'Apprise'
You can't put a price on usage
'Adverse' or 'Averse'?
Don't be opposed to using either one
Unmixing the Mix-up of 'Root,' 'Route,' and 'Rout'
Finding the root of it all
All About '-Cede' and '-Ceed'
And their families of confusing verbs
'Conscience' vs. 'Conscious': Let Us Be Your Guide
Avoiding confusion involves grammar and 'science'
The Sometimes Subtle Difference Between 'Conflate' and 'Equate'
They're not the same, but they are confusing
'Ascetic' vs. 'Aesthetic'
Going below the surface
On ‘Perpetrate’ and ‘Perpetuate’
One letter away, but so different
'Concave' vs. 'Convex'
A simple mnemonic should help
'Trooper' vs. 'Trouper': Choose Your Winner
It's up to you.
Do You 'Rein In' or 'Reign In' Something?
Getting a handle on some usage advice
Is 'cement' 'concrete'?
An attempt to provide solid ground
The Difference Between 'Elicit' and 'Illicit'
They sound alike but that's it
'Just Deserts' or 'Just Desserts'?
The usage advice you deserve
On ‘Palate,’ ‘Pallet,’ and ‘Palette’
A range of options for you to taste
On 'Brooch' and 'Broach'
One you wear, and, sorry, the other you can wear too
We've Got Baggage
And we're dumping it all on you.
Rapping on 'Bad Rap' and 'Bad Rep' (and 'Bad Wrap')
What's the charge against 'rep'?
'Demur' and 'Demure': Not to be Confused
Don't be demure about using 'demur' and 'demure'
How to Use 'Assent' vs. 'Ascent'
Rising to a usage challenge
A Case of Nerves: ‘Nervous’ vs. ‘Nervy’
Don't sweat the difference.
What's the difference between a 'boat' and a 'ship'?
And which one holds the gravy?
Is That Lie 'Bald-faced' or 'Bold-faced'?
And what about 'barefaced'?
‘Rapport’ vs. ‘Report’
An easygoing, detailed account
What's the difference between Britain, Great Britain, and the UK?
Our Anglophile friends already know
'Wringer' or 'Ringer'?
And is it 'wringed,' 'wrang,' or 'wrung'?
Using 'Citizen' and 'Resident' Legally
They aren't exactly the same.
'Accept' vs 'Except': Two Verbs, One Pronunciation
When sounding out the word won't help
'Purview' or 'Preview'?
Or 'ambit,' 'remit,' or 'bailiwick'?
How and When to Use 'Sometime' and 'Anytime'
Or 'some time' and 'any time'
On ‘Culminate’ and ‘Cumulate’
There’s a heap of difference
‘Faculty’ and ‘Facility’: A School of Thought
Learn these, and you can do anything.
'Recollect' vs. 'Remember' vs. 'Recall'
Bringing to mind their subtle differences
'Gourmet' or 'Gourmand'?
Usage advice cooked to perfection
Is That Plant 'Perennial' or 'Annual'?
We get asked at least once a year
On ‘Climatic’ and ‘Climactic’
One letter makes all the difference.
'Jerry-built' vs. 'Jury-rigged' vs. 'Jerry-rigged'
Three terms, three strong options.
Is it 'Grifter' or 'Grafter'?
Keep your eye on the differences
Clearing the Air on 'In The Midst/Mist'
Stuck in the middle with usage
'Dour' vs. 'Dower'
You likely need only one of these
The Difference Between Doing a 180 and a 360
A problem of English and geometry.
Do You 'Party Hearty' or 'Party Hardy' (or Both)?
Read this into the night.
Notes On 'Plum' and 'Plumb' (and 'Plump')
This is just to say / Don't confuse them
3 of 5
Can you solve 4 words at once?
Can you solve 4 words at once?
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