Words to Describe alum
Things alum often describes ("alum ________")
- water
- powder
- gargle
- powders
- crystals
- phloxine
- curd
- works
- lotion
- medium
- production
- law
- copper
- toners
- tanning
- rosin
- ore
- hematoxylin
- curds
- clay
- earth
- shale
- schists
- cochineal
- mines
- dust
- mixture
- stone
- solutions
- counterstains
- rock
- tartar
- mouthwash
- slates
- sludge
- making
- schist
- carmine
- salt
- shales
- staining
- precipitated
- meal
- lake
- root
- mordant
- irrigation
- stain
- bay
- solution
- slate
- toxoid
- crystal
- cake
- gelatin
- whey
- haematoxylin
How alum often is described ("________ alum")
- raw
- sodic
- burnt
- soluble
- acid
- solid
- residual
- roach
- potassa
- turkish
- powdered
- cubical
- moist
- saturated
- exsiccated
- anti
- egyptian
- called
- porous
- sulphite
- excess
- much
- soda
- less
- hypo
- common
- iron
- roche
- ammonium
- crystal
- ammonia
- concentrated
- ordinary
- little
- enough
- sufficient
- commercial
- calcined
- potash
- liquid
- crude
- pounded
- cubic
- basic
- dry
- papal
- dried
- burned
- fissile
- ammoniacal
- chromic
- astringent
- sodium
- wild
- potassium
- rock
- ferric
- native
- chrome
- salt
- cesium
- undecomposed
- pure
- and
- crystalline
- roman
- neutral
- anhydrous