Words to Describe ashes
Things ashes often describes ("ashes ________")
How ashes often is described ("________ ashes")
- sacred
- light
- fiery
- scattered
- burnt
- red
- lifeless
- coal
- cool
- dead
- sodden
- volcanic
- hot
- powdered
- white
- loose
- dull
- clean
- mixed
- the
- hard
- repentant
- charred
- cold
- only
- fresh
- wood
- cigar
- warm
- alkaline
- live
- leached
- black
- yellow
- pale
- fly
- sifted
- gray
- blessed
- damp
- bitter
- own
- dry
- sparkless
- mere
- calcium
- treacherous
- bottom
- unleached
- dirty
- fine
- holy
- wet
- unextinguished
- silent
- coarse
- very
- peat
- pearl
- flaky
- dark
- grey
- soft
- precious