Words to Describe gout
Things gout often describes ("gout ________")
- deposits
- weed
- nodules
- paper
- pain
- crystals
- drugs
- attacking
- diet
- goutiness
- chair
- podagra
- definition
- fits
- treatment
- medication
- charm
- disorder
- results
- stones
- medications
- drug
- accounts
- stool
- pills
- poison
- the
- attacks
- rest
- agent
- nodule
- medicine
- syndrome
- sufferers
- agents
- arthritis
- symptoms
- therapy
- fly
- gouty
- patients
How gout often is described ("________ gout")
- classic
- haut
- regular
- uncomplicated
- hereditary
- interval
- urate
- secondary
- suppressed
- uric
- sciatic
- intermittent
- familial
- inflammatory
- rheumatic
- called
- latent
- lead
- painful
- chronic
- acute
- atypical
- primary
- inveterate
- renal
- advanced
- mild
- overt
- atonic
- standing
- huge
- genuine
- classical
- asymptomatic
- subacute
- idiopathic
- nervous
- transient
- incipient
- polyarticular
- cerebral
- symptomatic
- intercritical
- induced
- irregular
- grand
- frank
- anomalous
- untreated
- articular
- clinical
- true
- onset
- juvenile
- arthritic
- constitutional
- asthenic
- tophaceous
- visceral
- saturnine
- recurrent
- infernal
- typical
- pseudo
- severe
- precipitate