Words to Describe tassel
Things tassel often describes ("tassel ________")
How tassel often is described ("________ tassel")
- blind
- ornamental
- scarlet
- red
- golden
- upright
- genital
- gilded
- big
- single
- finished
- hairy
- colored
- white
- coloured
- loose
- completed
- leathern
- pink
- terminal
- gilt
- graceful
- fringed
- small
- heavy
- shaped
- pubic
- huge
- part
- little
- sword
- black
- pendant
- worsted
- yellow
- metallic
- beaded
- pine
- full
- greasy
- thick
- brown
- green
- lengthy
- stiff
- pretty
- tiny
- royal
- silken
- furry
- line
- soiled
- silky
- beautiful
- long
- purple
- decorative
- cap
- corn
- round
- male
- bright
- worth
- large
- gold
- crimson
- rich
- fir
- fluffy
- braided
- handsome
- blue
- and
- dark
- gay
- enormous
- lovely