How to Use churchman in a Sentence
Frozen with dread, the churchmen heard how a cocky Niemöller had promised that everything would be fine.
—Doris Bergen, WSJ, 7 Dec. 2018
The too-few endowment dollars led to a joining of forces in 1930, but squabbles soon led the churchmen to back out.
—Darryl Levings, kansascity, 15 June 2018
His trial will be the first of a churchman with his rank in Vatican City’s criminal court.
—Francis X. Rocca, WSJ, 3 July 2021
Finally, after eight days, they were rescued by a churchman who drove them to Texas.
—Timothy O'Grady, Condé Nast Traveler, 14 Oct. 2019
But in 1936 Niemoller signed a petition with other churchmen.
—Jon Fobes,, 21 Aug. 2017
At 71, the San Felipe bishop is younger than the age, 75, at which all bishops must offer their resignation to the pope, who can accept or ask the churchmen to stay on a few more years.
—Frances D'emilio, Fox News, 21 Sep. 2018
The ceremony to formally give the churchmen the red cardinal hat will be held on Oct. 5 at the Vatican.
—Washington Post, 1 Sep. 2019
The abuse that came to light as a result of Saviano’s work prompted Cardinal Law, Boston’s highest-ranking churchman, to step down.
—William J. Kole, USA TODAY, 29 Nov. 2021
The abuse that came to light as a result of Saviano's work prompted Cardinal Law, Boston's highest-ranking churchman, to step down.
—CBS News, 28 Nov. 2021
Three of the churchmen chosen to receive the cardinal red work in Africa, a continent where the Church has experience growth in recent decades.
—Frances D'emilio,, 9 July 2023
During his stay at the Vatican mission, Noriega was a virtual recluse in a room, opening the door only when meals were brought, said a churchman who did not want to be named.
—By Martin Merzer and Sam Dillon, miamiherald, 31 May 2017
Mickens said, when the church would have defended Vatican churchmen.
—Josephine McKenna, USA TODAY, 1 July 2017
In the past, synods have been talkfests by churchmen who made nonbinding proposals to the pope to consider in a future document.
—Nicole Winfield, Fox News, 18 Sep. 2018
Three of the churchmen chosen to receive the cardinal red include prelates working in Africa, a continent where the Church has experience growth in recent decades.
—Reuters, NBC News, 9 July 2023
These are churchmen who care for migrants, promote dialogue with Muslims and minister to the faithful in poor, far-flung missionary posts.
—Nicole Winfield, San Diego Union-Tribune, 6 Oct. 2019
These are churchmen who care for migrants, promote dialogue with Muslims, and minister to the faithful in poor, far-flung missionary posts.
—, 6 Oct. 2019
But there’s no way to know who determined the imagery, conquered artist or conquering European churchman.
—Los Angeles Times, 28 Dec. 2021
Two top Vatican officials will also receive the honor of joining churchmen who vote for new popes in secret conclaves.
—Frances D'emilio, USA TODAY, 20 May 2018
The leaks about the hand-delivery of this letter to the pontiff may be evidence itself that senior churchmen are losing confidence in his pontificate.
—Michael Brendan Dougherty, National Review, 6 Feb. 2018
The situation in Boston turned out to be the tip of an iceberg of abuse and its cover-up, where churchmen preferred protecting the reputation of the institution rather than the innocence of children.
—Phillip Pullella, The Christian Science Monitor, 21 Dec. 2017
The origins and details surrounding Eostre are unknown, but her existence was first reported in the writings of an early English churchman, Bede.
—Kate Franke, Woman's Day, 6 Apr. 2023
Wealthy Catholics are putting money behind initiatives to discredit Francis’ allies with the goal of electing a conservative, doctrine-minded churchman as the next pope.
—Washington Post, 5 Sep. 2019
In order to shame churchmen and laypeople alike into being less focused on wealth and luxury, moralists mobilized all the rhetorical weapons at their disposal.
—Sara Lipton, The New York Review of Books, 17 June 2019
Such tickets can be obtained via special request to the papal household from embassies, high-ranking churchmen or Vatican officials.
—David Bauder, Twin Cities, 19 Apr. 2017
That means, increasingly, the men who will vote for whoever succeeds him, in the event of his resignation or death, are churchmen supportive of his values, priorities and perspectives.
—Reuters, NBC News, 9 July 2023
The 14th-century English churchman and philosopher is best known for Ockham’s Razor, which suggests that simple explanations are better than more complicated ones.
—Dan Falk, Discover Magazine, 10 Feb. 2023
Between the protesters, the churchmen, and the legislature, Samaritan’s Purse has been under unceasing attack from people who cannot abide the thought that the moral tradition of some religious group does not affirm a particular set of behaviors.
—John Hirschauer, National Review, 20 Apr. 2020
One of my favorite genres of Catholic literature is the book-length interview: the Pope or some other high-ranking churchman sits down with a reporter or other layman, both operating on the assumption that conversation tends toward truth.
—Rachel Aviv, The New Yorker, 7 Sep. 2015
Zerbo’s clerical resume reveals him to be a churchman working for reconciliation in society, a virtue repeatedly stressed by Francis.
—Frances D'emilio, The Denver Post, 21 May 2017
In a country bloodied by Islamist extremism, Zerbo distinguished himself as a churchman working for social reconciliation — one of the pontiff’s priorities.
—Frances D'emilio, The Seattle Times, 27 June 2017
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'churchman.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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