How to Use condensed in a Sentence
Mix in the condensed milk, the cardamon seeds and half of the dates.
—San Antonio Express-News, 19 Jan. 2018
This forces defense to throw over the fence to the corners of a condensed field.
—Andy Greder, Twin Cities, 14 Nov. 2019
Jordan, laughing, said of the condensed verse from the song.
—Broderick Turner,, 9 Dec. 2017
So that one was a condensed story, and this one is just for him.
—Jordan Runtagh,, 15 Sep. 2017
The result was a road-heavy, condensed schedule down the stretch.
—Matthew Defranks, Dallas News, 28 Apr. 2021
To win the whole thing, Djokovic would have to win six times on a condensed schedule of just eight days.
—Joshua Robinson, WSJ, 23 July 2021
The prospect which awaits the Spaniard is a very different, condensed job.
—, 16 May 2018
This condensed version of the book lasts a brisk 90 minutes.
—Tim Smith,, 30 May 2017
All of that process was very condensed into four or five days.
—Larisha Paul, Rolling Stone, 6 Oct. 2023
The work will be done in a condensed timetable and with a heightened sense of urgency.
—Rainer Sabin, Detroit Free Press, 22 Sep. 2020
The clip offers a condensed overview of the doc’s sprawling scope.
—Jon Blistein, Rolling Stone, 2 May 2022
Less boring for the players now in the condensed 26-day schedule, but there still is a lot of down time on the beach.
—Dalton Ross,, 5 Dec. 2024
But in the timeline of the show, that's a fairly condensed period of time.
—Kristen Baldwin,, 15 July 2024
With the condensed and moved seasons, how will students who want to play more than one sport choose?
—Editorial Board Star Tribune, Star Tribune, 7 Aug. 2020
This is especially true in the red zone where the space is more condensed.
—Dallas News, 10 Mar. 2022
In the Second Half, there are nine sets of back-to-backs and 16 total games during a condensed April.
—Chris Fedor, cleveland, 24 Feb. 2021
The condensed water is added back to the amines and piped to the tower for another round of CO2 capture.
—Robert F. Service, Science | AAAS, 24 Mar. 2021
The Loons lack roster depth, and the condensed schedule figures to be a challenge.
—Andy Greder, Twin Cities, 13 June 2017
Both a blender and a juicer create a smooth, silky texture that keeps all the liquid of the fruit and gives you a condensed product.
—Laura Wheatman Hill,, 14 Mar. 2021
Sometimes the tight ends came out in condensed sets, bunched up near the offensive line.
—Ryan Kartje, Los Angeles Times, 10 Sep. 2021
The noodles are dry and a little sticky, with the sauce turning into a condensed paste that clings to each strand.
—Jenn Harris, Los Angeles Times, 24 July 2023
The condensed version, which spoils nothing, is that Grace’s first husband JP is at fault for the loss of her eye.
—Rachel Elspeth Gross, Forbes, 28 Nov. 2024
Fahrenheit and your hair has turned into icles of your own condensed breath.
—The Editors, Outside Online, 18 Oct. 2022
The Flyers, thanks to their condensed schedule, have to deal only with the former.
—Sam Carchidi,, 9 Feb. 2018
This is just a shorter, more condensed shot of espresso.
—Paige Darrah, New York Times, 9 Dec. 2022
John Turner ordered up a condensed version of the recipe book — with some of the same recipes — for his campaign.
—James Barragán, Dallas News, 26 Jan. 2021
This is a condensed network of trails that connects to the others in Northwest Boise.
—Roger Phillips, idahostatesman, 25 Apr. 2017
Contrails are the white streaks of condensed water vapor left in the sky in the wake of an aircraft or rocket.
—Eleanor McCrary, USA TODAY, 12 Jan. 2023
Even the threat of a condensed final season wouldn’t alter their plans.
—Jim Clark,, 29 Dec. 2020
Playing a condensed version — say, half — could be done in 10 days.
—Helene St. James, Detroit Free Press, 2 Apr. 2020
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'condensed.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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