How to Use coreopsis in a Sentence
But also owl’s clover, lupine, goldfield, cream cups and coreopsis.
—Angela Hill, The Mercury News, 9 Feb. 2017
Summer brings out the yellow hues with goldeneye, coreopsis, sunflowers and mullein, among the many blooms filling the park.
—Roger Naylor, The Arizona Republic, 24 Feb. 2022
For late winter and early spring grow Salvia greggii, horse herb, phlox, verbena, coreopsis and blue curl (Phacelia).
—Calvin Finch, San Antonio Express-News, 6 Apr. 2018
It is now filled with 30 to 40 species of prairie perennials like wild geranium, coreopsis, wild hydrangea, Echinacea, garden phlox and bee balm.
—Roxie Hammill,, 30 June 2017
The Valley floor has endless expanses of yellows and purples from coreopsis, tidy tips and phacelia, with smaller patches of dozens of other species.
—Lyndsey Matthews, Country Living, 4 Apr. 2017
The short list includes Shasta daisies, asters, mums, coreopsis, bee balm, Jupiter’s beard and ornamental grasses.
—Betty Cahill, The Denver Post, 31 Mar. 2017
In my landscape the horsemint follows the Indian blanket and coreopsis as the final flowers in the neighborhood wildflower mix.
—Calvin Finch, San Antonio Express-News, 2 July 2021
And a batch of dye, made from sunny-petaled coreopsis, was bubbling on the stove in the outdoor kitchen, one of the many handmade outbuildings on this half-acre compound that is home and laboratory for Mr. Kahn and his wife, Lesley Creed.
—New York Times, 11 Mar. 2020
Cut and bag diseased perennial foliage such as mildewed phlox, but leave plants with seeds for birds such as sunflowers, rudbeckias, coreopsis, and asters standing through the winter.
—, 7 Nov. 2021
My kids helped dig holes and put native plants gently in the ground: ragweed, crystal peak white, coreopsis, goldenrod, brown-eyed Susan, aromatic aster.
—Lauren Matison, Outside Online, 12 Oct. 2022
In addition to blooming in late spring, the coreopsis handles dry weather well and is a favorite nectar source for pollinators.
—Calvin Finch, San Antonio Express-News, 11 June 2021
Angelica, coreopsis, cosmos, and sweet alyssum will bring lacewings to your garden.
—The Editors Of Organic Life, Good Housekeeping, 11 May 2016
Some of the showiest summer blooms fade away when fall arrives, including pompon dahlias, Shasta daisies, African daisies, zinnias, coreopsis, and calendulas.
—Viveka Neveln, Better Homes & Gardens, 2 Sep. 2022
Some of the showiest summer blooms fade away when fall arrives, including pompon dahlias, Shasta daisies, African daisies, zinnias, coreopsis, and calendulas.
—Viveka Neveln, Better Homes & Gardens, 28 Aug. 2023
Given those considerations, go ahead and cut back lilies, daylilies, garden phlox, iris, geranium, monarda, daisies, coreopsis and any other plants that look bad.
—Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp, Indianapolis Star, 20 Oct. 2017
This is the case for all plants in the sunflower family, including daisies, yarrow, goldenrod, asters, coreopsis, and bachelor's buttons.
—Deb Wiley, Better Homes & Gardens, 19 Feb. 2024
Native coreopsis is another keystone plant suggested by Diboll and the NWF list.
—Jennifer Rude Klett, Journal Sentinel, 8 Sep. 2022
Plant the succulent, Seussian-looking native giant coreopsis (Leptosyne gigantea), which stands 3 to 6 feet tall and is covered in green leaves and bright yellow, daisylike flowers in spring.
—Nan Sterman, San Diego Union-Tribune, 5 Dec. 2020
Plant angelica, coreopsis, dill, fennel, and yarrow to attract them.
—The Editors Of Organic Life, Good Housekeeping, 11 May 2016
Wildflowers such as coreopsis, blue curl, bluebonnets and larkspur are blooming now.
—Calvin Finch, San Antonio Express-News, 9 Apr. 2021
Use seed varieties like coreopsis, poppies, bluebonnets, bee balm, phlox, blue curl, Salvia coccinea, sunflower and other selections that are well adapted for the Central Texas area.
—Calvin Finch,, 28 Nov. 2019
Seeds from your larkspur, blue curl, poppies, Indian blanket, coreopsis and other naturalized flowers can be collected for fall seeding when the pods turn brown.
—Calvin Finch, San Antonio Express-News, 28 May 2021
Use a seed mixture with varieties for Florida that might include annual phlox, black-eyed Susan, coreopsis, asters, showy primrose and blanket flower.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 14 Nov. 2020
And Eastern native threadleaf coreopsis now comes in an array of varieties with different colored flowers and more compact stems such as popular 'Moonbeam'.
—Lynn Coulter, Better Homes & Gardens, 24 June 2021
Lettuce, bachelor’s buttons, cosmos, coreopsis, calendula and scabiosa all have flower heads that bear seeds in tiny flowers.
—Pam Peirce,, 6 July 2018
Perennials that are dormant over the winter, such as daylilies, ajuga, daisy, rudbeckia, coreopsis, yarrow and others, can be divided and transplanted now through February.
—, 28 Oct. 2017
These parts of the garden have been showcases for spring flowers: poppy, lupine, sage, giant coreopsis, flannelbush, ceanothus and opuntia.
—Wes Janssen, San Diego Union-Tribune, 10 June 2023
There are orange echinacea, coreopsis, daylilies, gaillardia and others.
—Chris McKeown, The Enquirer, 27 Jan. 2022
As the Santa Ynez River spilled out of a nearby estuary into coastal waters, Anna’s hummingbirds hovered over bright yellow giant coreopsis flowers.
—Los Angeles Times, 21 Mar. 2022
Proven fire-resistant plant species include daylilies, coneflowers, coreopsis, lavender and high-moisture succulents.
—Washington Post, 4 Feb. 2020
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'coreopsis.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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