How to Use epistemological in a Sentence
Not in a nihilistic way, but rather from a blank-slate epistemological point of view.
—Eric Walden, The Salt Lake Tribune, 15 Apr. 2022
And what does the ‘epistemological status of space’ even mean?
—Teddy McDarrah, Forbes, 8 June 2021
Montás, like Swift, is concerned with the epistemological and ethical res publica that makes up a civilization and how to keep it alive and transmit it.
—M. D. Aeschliman, National Review, 20 Feb. 2022
Vision depends on the spatial distance between the human subject and the object of perception, but scent and sound seem to overcome such an epistemological gap.
—The New Yorker, 22 Feb. 2021
Instead of being forced to affirm a stable falsehood, we have been flooded by a deluge of chaotic mental garbage for the past four years that has left us drowning in an epistemological quagmire.
—Damon Linker, TheWeek, 5 Oct. 2020
The age of generative AI threatens to sprinkle epistemological sand into the gears of web search by fooling algorithms designed for a time when the web was mostly written by humans.
—WIRED, 5 Oct. 2023
Likewise, my prompt to offer both an ontological and an epistemological answer to the question When does bread become toast?
—Ian Bogost, The Atlantic, 7 Dec. 2022
At stake was not a fact of perception but the epistemological status of negation—the philosophical meaning and value of assertions about nothing.
—The New York Review of Books, 6 July 2022
For writers and everyone else who believe that public speech should be meaningful, Trump’s abuses of language are a form of epistemological warfare.
—Hari Kunzru, The New York Review of Books, 4 June 2020
Despite all these advancements, the epistemological knowledge of electricity’s properties was still mostly a mystery—but that was all about to change.
—Darren Orf, Popular Mechanics, 7 Feb. 2023
The authors of the letter are not troubled by the mismatch between Stepanova’s radical epistemological skepticism and her middle-of-the-road moralizing.
—Yuri Slezkine, The New York Review of Books, 18 Nov. 2021
These phenomena are in some ways the epistemological counterpoint to UAPs.
—Hari Kunzru, Harper's Magazine, 10 Oct. 2023
Yet The Passenger, which was released in October, is frustratingly inert, ambling from one sit-down to the next, a string of static, epistemological discussions in bars and restaurants and private-eye offices.
—Paul Thompson, Chron, 6 Dec. 2022
Prosecutors will soon run up against the epistemological challenges of explaining and convicting a man whose behavior defies and undermines the structures and logic of civic life.
—Timothy Noah, The New Republic, 8 Aug. 2023
The result was a dispersion of authority and a diffusion of truth that created an epistemological crisis much more serious than our own.
—Gordon S. Wood, WSJ, 28 May 2021
An empiricist who was as persuasive about the temptations of radical epistemological skepticism as anyone, but was still able to resist them.
—Sean Carroll, Discover Magazine, 7 May 2011
Despite its prominence in the media, the study of disinformation is still in the process of answering definitional questions and hasn’t begun to reckon with some basic epistemological issues.
—Joseph Bernstein, Harper's Magazine, 17 Aug. 2021
The authors are admirably cautious, leading us through a brief exploration of the epistemological limits of contemporary neuroscience.
—Daniel J. Levitin, WSJ, 5 Mar. 2021
In debates over issues like airborne transmission and reopening schools, researchers sometimes clashed over their merging epistemological lanes.
—Andrew Joseph, STAT, 27 June 2021
As became obvious with the anti-vaccine movement, simply shouting down dissident voices, without trying to find some sort of epistemological common ground, is futile.
—Douglas Girardot, Washington Post, 2 May 2023
Similar feelings have doubtless been captured in recent photographs, as Americans lament the potential loss of their republic within an epistemological shift away from truth and evidence.
—Washington Post, 24 June 2021
Haven’t those who’ve worked to obfuscate the interests and incentives involved in shaping political outcomes contributed to our epistemological crisis?
—Osita Nwanevu, The New Republic, 19 Nov. 2020
For me, Rembrandt’s self-portrait is a case of maximum aesthetic force and maximum embodied awareness exerted in the cause of maximum epistemological uncertainty.
—Washington Post, 6 Apr. 2022
But where Gego’s ostensibly fragile aesthetic is tethered at every point to sturdy underlying principles, Sze’s work fans out into epistemological mayhem.
—Sebastian Smee, Washington Post, 14 Apr. 2023
To the contrary, shocking revelations last century turned Cantor’s question into a deep epistemological conundrum.
—Quanta Magazine, 15 July 2021
For all cultural anthropology's epistemological muddle, its political priors are crisp and dinstict, and strangely insulated from the critique and deconstruction so valued by the discipline in all matters.
—Razib Khan, Discover Magazine, 5 Feb. 2013
Majok, however, isn’t trying to blow our epistemological paradigms.
—Charles McNulty, Los Angeles Times, 20 Sep. 2022
Informational chaos, not narrative clarity, is the internet’s guiding epistemological mode.
—Aaron Timms, The New Republic, 18 Apr. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'epistemological.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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