How to Use impel in a Sentence
verb- She felt impelled to give a speech after the performance.
- His interest in the American Civil War impelled him to make repeated visits to Gettysburg.
But with this film, as with all her others, Ramsay impels us to see.
—Leah Pickett, Chicago Reader, 12 Apr. 2018
In a flash, rain poured and wind whipped at once, blowing trash onto the field and impelling a rapid response from the grounds crew.
—Los Angeles Times, 17 July 2019
What impelled you to put aside the instinct for self-preservation and risk your lives to take these cliffs?
—The Editors, National Review, 6 June 2024
As a sample of one, Davis couldn’t clinch the case, of course, but being a woman impelled her to prove herself on the trail.
—Paul Bisceglio, The Atlantic, 13 May 2018
The 2016 election also impelled her to act, to set an example for her son.
—Melena Ryzik, New York Times, 4 Apr. 2018
This works as a rhetorical move: No one wants to be stuck, and dread of this fate can impel a person to action.
—Virginia Heffernan, Wired, 11 July 2022
Social conventions impel boys to move on, be strong, suck it up.
—Michael Reichert, The Atlantic, 26 Feb. 2018
This was a man full of remorse, haunted by history – and impelled by love.
—Erin Douglass, The Christian Science Monitor, 3 Jan. 2024
While a trade war with the U.S. would be disastrous for China, national pride might impel Xi to fight on.
—, 12 Apr. 2018
The failure to make progress on the issue is what impelled Democrats in the Senate to refuse to pass a spending bill last month, leading to the temporary shutdown.
—Nash Jenkins, Time, 6 Feb. 2018
The purpose of this verbal sleight of hand is to humanize trees, and thereby impel the reader to extend greater care to them.
—Robert Moor, The New Yorker, 10 June 2021
These actions have been impelled by the need to conserve scarce protective gear for health care workers.
—Hal Bernton, Anchorage Daily News, 30 Mar. 2020
This contributes to the lawlessness and violence that impel people to flee the region and go to the United States.
—The Economist, 10 May 2018
David Sedaris’ essays impel me to read aloud and laugh communally – at the beach, on a road trip, and sometimes at the dinner table.
—Staff, The Christian Science Monitor, 25 June 2021
Anyone who knew about plants would know that there were roots beneath the surface impelling their way through the underlying soil.
—Linda McNamar, Orange County Register, 21 May 2017
After all, the pianist upstairs impelled her to write a poem—and nearly a decade later, the poem impels me to write this.
—Erica Funkhouser, The Atlantic, 21 Jan. 2024
At least some rental contracts give tenants the power to impel their landlord to install window guards against theft.
—Cecilia D'anastasio, Wired, 24 Jan. 2020
Like Reichardt, Carr was impelled by the natural world, its enigmas.
—Doreen St. Félix, The New Yorker, 22 June 2023
Most of the other people portrayed in the film are impelled by fear, deprivation and love of family.
—Mark Jenkins, Washington Post, 1 Nov. 2023
The need to evolve from a Clamor into a Teo impelled a series of self-consciously virile escapades.
—Alex Ross, The New Yorker, 26 June 2023
But the announcement of the plan to potentially put down the bear impelled two Banff residents to start a protest petition.
—Fox News, 14 July 2017
What on earth impelled Mr. Martins to make Romeo suddenly wrap Tybalt’s head in his cloak and stab him repeatedly in the back?
—Alastair MacAulay, New York Times, 14 Feb. 2018
And that impatience, coupled with the impetus of tournament cash, impels them to catch more fish, faster.
—Frank Sargeant,, 4 Nov. 2017
Of course, the high-profile role of public officials should impel them to be sticklers about following their own rules.
—Rich Lowry, National Review, 3 Aug. 2021
What impels her forward is the voice: free, pellucid, almost always first-person, interested not in the long view but in the here and now.
—Abhrajyoti Chakraborty, The New Republic, 5 Aug. 2019
North’s three diamonds was forcing and impelled his side into game.
—Frank Stewart, The Mercury News, 1 Mar. 2024
When Isaac Newton was a student at Cambridge in the early 1660s, something impelled him to reflect on his boyhood sins and to commit them, in code, to a tiny notebook.
—Meghan Cox Gurdon, WSJ, 10 Feb. 2017
Gazing out the window of his flat at nearby train tracks, he is impelled to hunt for his past in person, taking the train to his boyhood home, in Sanderstead, a suburb of London.
—Richard Brody, The New Yorker, 9 Jan. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'impel.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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