How to Use manifest destiny in a Sentence
manifest destiny
The notion of manifest destiny, that’s a kind of light, but for a lot of people, that’s a hell of a lot of darkness.
—Angelique Jackson, Variety, 20 Dec. 2023
For his part, Foles has said the right things about not being set free to pursue his manifest destiny as a starter.
—Bob Ford,, 28 May 2018
This is the manifest destiny that led to the Hollywood backlot.
—Jason Farago, New York Times, 7 Sep. 2023
Its blue skies are clouded by the specter of the next great territory of manifest destiny: the Internet.
—Vogue, 2 Nov. 2017
The frontier as a symbol not of manifest destiny but of man’s idiocy?
—Ty Burr,, 27 June 2018
This was white supremacy and manifest destiny in action.
—Nick Martin, The New Republic, 1 Nov. 2021
Their delusion that England has some kind of manifest destiny and should win simply by virtue of showing up and having ‘the most talented squad’.
—The Athletic Staff, The Athletic, 16 July 2024
For others, Zionism is a form of modern-day colonialism or racist manifest destiny — the attempt to justify the seizure of contested land in the name of God.
—Tracy Wilkinson, Los Angeles Times, 22 May 2024
All the believers in manifest destiny, and the white man’s burden, and a thousand conspiracy theories, going all the way back to Jamestown and Plymouth Colony.
—Kevin Baker, Harper's Magazine, 30 Mar. 2020
The way past manifest destiny and other colonial-era language can be simple: Be specific.
—Marina Koren, The Atlantic, 17 Sep. 2020
Men who arrived in California on the premise of discovery, self-realization, and manifest destiny tilled the arid soil on which his studio was built.
—Hilary Hughes, Esquire, 16 May 2016
Healing the Klamath means unspooling the bitter legacy of manifest destiny, and returning the river to a more natural state.
—Jeremy Deaton, Scientific American, 10 Aug. 2020
Parts of Rita’s own manifest destiny are bound to rub certain people the wrong way, particularly some of Nicolò’s family.
—James McAuley, Town & Country, 27 Apr. 2022
Many of the paintings hint at religiosity and manifest destiny.
—Robin Givhan, Washington Post, 6 Sep. 2022
But her stories speak to a dark, more violent moment in American history, with the Little House series itself based in the mythology of the frontier and the concept of manifest destiny.
—Abbey White, The Hollywood Reporter, 8 June 2023
Silver often uses the phrase manifest destiny to describe the likelihood of NBA expansion.
—Jeff Zillgitt, USA TODAY, 23 Dec. 2022
To manifest destiny’s proponents, to doubt the inevitability of technological and social progress via the railroad was tantamount to doubting the will of God.
—Ingrid Burrington, The Atlantic, 2 Mar. 2018
To many Americans today, the type of manual household labor that Matchar describes seems like a relic of the early United States, of a time of homesteading, westward expansion, and manifest destiny.
—Ashley Fetters, The Atlantic, 25 June 2020
The water gap is an enduring legacy of manifest destiny; the infrastructure, and legislation, that came with it still largely define how water is used.
—Photographs & Text By Elliot Ross For Time, TIME, 19 Sep. 2024
Mars’s rosy future is what beckons now: a new frontier awaiting human colonization, fulfilling our manifest destiny amid the stars.
—Michael Saler, WSJ, 27 Dec. 2023
Silver has often said expansion is on the backburner but has also said expansion is manifest destiny.
—Jeff Zillgitt, USA TODAY, 1 Apr. 2023
Like manifest destiny, small, independent breweries have spread across the U.S., becoming a coast-to-coast phenomenon.
—Mike Snider, USA TODAY, 3 Oct. 2017
Fox has long reinterpreted manifest destiny as a media product, treating the American mind as a vacant space upon which any dream, or any delusion, might be constructed.
—Megan Garber, The Atlantic, 12 July 2021
Tellingly, in the upper right-hand corner, Ruscha added a cheap Western cowboy magazine, its rowdy narrative of American manifest destiny having been torn in two.
—Christopher Knight, Los Angeles Times, 9 Dec. 2024
Benton, along with many others, used the notion of manifest destiny to systematically displace and kill scores of Native Americans.
—Washington Post, 11 Oct. 2021
So what have Democrats gotten in exchange for embracing this manifest destiny nationalism?
—Kate Aronoff, The New Republic, 10 June 2021
The song turns a trip down a highway into a meditation on manifest destiny and its contemporary reverberations.
—Justin Curto, Vulture, 16 Apr. 2021
This account, which shapes school curricula, exhibitions, books, and films, aims to shore up Xi’s image as the personification of China’s manifest destiny.
—Suzanne Nossel, Foreign Affairs, 29 Feb. 2024
Buying into manifest destiny, genocide and assimilation which (viewed) the end of tribal cultures as necessary and inevitable.
—Lisa Deaderick, San Diego Union-Tribune, 27 Nov. 2022
In mentioning manifest destiny, Trump has resurrected an idea most commonly found in history books.
—Marina Koren, The Atlantic, 17 Sep. 2020
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'manifest destiny.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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