How to Use nondisabled in a Sentence
The rate should be based on a standard with a nondisabled person doing the job.
—Star Tribune, 24 July 2021
Disabled people get pregnant and give birth at the same rates as nondisabled ones.
—Los Angeles Times, 22 Oct. 2021
Disabled women now get pregnant and give birth at the same rate as nondisabled ones, but modern medicine has turned its back on them.
—Los Angeles Times, 30 Sep. 2021
Since the end of first grade, he’s been in a special public school classroom in Brooklyn that integrates disabled and nondisabled kids.
—Abigail Kramer, ProPublica, 4 May 2023
The episode was a platform for the fab five to teach nondisabled audiences about how integral design is to disabled lives and culture.
—Alex Haagaard, Quartz, 22 July 2019
For us, life presents more daily challenges than for the average nondisabled person.
—Alex Montoyacommunity Voices Contributor, San Diego Union-Tribune, 2 Mar. 2023
Banished was the feel-good narrative about Keller as a brave soul who broke through at the water pump and went on to make nondisabled people feel grateful for their good fortune.
—Ellen McGirt, Fortune, 15 Nov. 2022
Here’s a look at how the performers navigate in ways their nondisabled peers never need to consider.
—Erik Piepenburg, New York Times, 10 July 2017
In terms of the research and funding, everything is for making life easier for the nondisabled people in the disabled person’s life.
—Jessica Ferri, Los Angeles Times, 7 Apr. 2022
Some were offended by Sia’s choice to cast Ziegler, a nondisabled actor, as an autistic character.
—Laura Zornosa,, 23 Nov. 2020
During the height of lockdown, my nondisabled child’s homework was to connect to another human every day.
—Aimee Christian, Wired, 20 Feb. 2022
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 41% of nondisabled adults on Medicaid do not have jobs.
—Peter Cove, WSJ, 4 July 2017
Maddie Ziegler, a nondisabled actor, portrays a young autistic woman in Sia's upcoming film.
—Alaina Leary,, 23 Nov. 2020
And of that 2% representation rate, about 95% of those disabled characters are played by nondisabled actors.
—Mickey Rowe, Teen Vogue, 8 Aug. 2017
And a good place to start is how nondisabled people can avoid giving unnecessary offense to people with disabilities.
—Andrew Pulrang, Forbes, 26 Sep. 2021
Research shows that disabled characters are overwhelmingly played by nondisabled actors on film and TV.
—New York Times, 11 Feb. 2021
The ability to make bad decisions, for nondisabled people, is considered a normal part of the human experience.
—Sara Luterman, The New Republic, 12 Feb. 2021
Hiring nondisabled actors also takes away disabled roles from disabled actors.
—Alaina Leary,, 23 Nov. 2020
Two weeks after the meeting, the Department of Education transferred Paul to a school that has more experience teaching disabled and nondisabled kids together.
—Abigail Kramer, ProPublica, 4 May 2023
For instance, even though unemployment was high across the country, the majority of nondisabled adults without children were still initially subject to a work requirement.
—Lola Fadulu, New York Times, 10 Apr. 2020
Businesses wanted to pay disabled people less money than nondisabled people.
—Madison Hopkins, ProPublica, 16 Nov. 2022
Parents of disabled children often carry more weight as experts on disability than disabled people do, and most film and TV roles for disabled characters cast a nondisabled person to portray them.
—Alaina Leary,, 23 Nov. 2020
For decades, nondisabled actors have played these characters, which is problematic for several reasons.
—Christopher Rosa, Glamour, 19 Nov. 2020
Now, advocates worry that the Trump administration is poised to grant Indiana a long-term extension of the Healthy Indiana expansion — and add a requirement that nondisabled adults work or volunteer 20 hours a week.
—Phil Galewitz, Washington Post, 1 Feb. 2018
And worse: These tryborgs make technologies in their own image—white, nondisabled, heterosexual, cisgender, wealthy.
—The Cyborg Jillian Weise, Wired, 21 Dec. 2021
Sheltered workshops keep disabled people separate from nondisabled adults.
—Madison Hopkins, ProPublica, 16 Nov. 2022
People with disabilities are half as likely to have a high school diploma as their nondisabled counterparts, and the same holds true for bachelors degrees, according to another report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
—Karin Hitselberger, Good Housekeeping, 30 Mar. 2021
Kentucky’s program would have required nondisabled adults each month to participate in 80 hours of work, job training, education or other volunteer service to remain covered.
—Phil Galewitz, Washington Post, 29 June 2018
If the audience is larger than five people, then the audience certainly includes disabled and nondisabled people; whether Deaf or Hearing; neurodivergent or neurotypical; in chronic pain or, for the present, pain-free.
—Constance Grady, Vox, 12 May 2018
To make sure everything was portrayed correctly, director Aneesh Chaganty did his research, checked his own privilege as a nondisabled person, and chatted with Allen about her own experiences.
—Christopher Rosa, Glamour, 19 Nov. 2020
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'nondisabled.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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