How to Use radioactivity in a Sentence
Hublin’s team spent a year measuring the radioactivity of the Jebel Irhoud site.
—National Geographic, 7 June 2017
There, the remains were buried so that the radioactivity in them cannot escape and harm others.
—, 17 Mar. 2020
The disks were returned so they could be trimmed in size to reduce their radioactivity.
—Patrick Malone and Peter Cary, idahostatesman, 10 Aug. 2017
The hope was that by the time the ice carrying the balls emerged at the coast thousands or tens of thousands of years later, the radioactivity would have decayed away.
—Paul Bierman, Smithsonian Magazine, 19 Sep. 2024
The first piece of land transferred to the city, a 75-acre hilltop region known as Parcel A, was not tested for radioactivity.
—Jason Fagone,, 14 Aug. 2019
Kaltofen, through the course of his study, found three of the highest levels of thorium radioactivity in the dust of three Hanford workers’ homes.
—Hal Bernton, The Seattle Times, 14 June 2018
The lab reported that sampling of the area during the fire showed no release of radioactivity.
—NBC News, 23 Dec. 2020
Its radioactivity shot into the stratosphere and circled the globe for years.
—New York Times, 30 Oct. 2021
Maybe the people at the labs could figure out how to keep the radioactivity from seeping into the Columbia River and leave it at that.
—Michael Lewis, The Hive, 2 Aug. 2017
Many mines have high levels of radioactivity, and a high risk of collapse, leading to injury or death.
—Marx Itabelo Lwabanya, Scientific American, 1 Dec. 2023
Large amounts of radioactivity were released into the air, and hundreds of thousands of people were forced from their homes.
—National Geographic, 26 Mar. 2019
The water would be filtered to reduce radioactivity, and the process would begin in 2022 at the earliest.
—Mica Soellner, Washington Examiner, 13 Mar. 2021
In the glass form, the waste is stable and its radioactivity will safely dissipate over hundreds to thousands of years.
—Nicholas K. Geranios, The Seattle Times, 16 Mar. 2018
There’s a plaque marking the site and the U.S. Department of Energy still keeps tabs on low-level radioactivity under the ground.
—Chicago Tribune, 24 Aug. 2022
Members of the public can suggest sites that should be tested, collect data on radioactivity, and raise funds to cover the cost of the research.
—Eva Lewandowski, Discover Magazine, 8 June 2016
When the first radioactive consumer products were launched, in the early 1900s, radioactivity was a brand new field of science.
—Jacopo Prisco, CNN, 3 Mar. 2020
The wastewater will then be diluted to 1,500 becquerels of tritium – a unit of radioactivity – per liter of clean water.
—Jessie Yeung, CNN, 4 July 2023
Leona writes in her book, The Uranium People, about some of her brushes with radioactivity.
—Erica Huang, Scientific American, 20 July 2023
The sphere sent out a burst of radioactivity in a bright blue flash of light, and Slotin was exposed to a similarly intense burst of radiation.
—Sarah Watts, Discover Magazine, 23 Mar. 2018
Tides, radioactivity, chemistry and youth: These ingredients, when mixed in the right way, can produce — and sustain — oceans on these icy moons.
—Quanta Magazine, 2 Nov. 2023
While officials in the United States say the water is free of radioactivity, the city of Windsor on the Canadian side is raising concerns.
—Alec Snyder, CNN, 6 Dec. 2019
Curie would publish a new paper on radioactivity in 1910, which led to her second Nobel Prize, this time a solo award in Chemistry.
—Peter Aitken, Fox News, 16 Mar. 2021
Her focus was the new and exciting field of radioactivity.
—Ashraya Gupta, Scientific American, 7 Sep. 2023
In some units, the level of radioactivity detected was many times the amount set by federal standards.
—oregonlive, 23 Feb. 2020
Noyes said that the waste water will be filtered before any discharge and that any remaining radioactivity would be well below the levels deemed safe by the NRC.
—Mike Damiano,, 26 July 2022
For now, all the scientists, engineers, and their allies can do is keep the radioactivity under control, track down its source, and try to capture it.
—Vince Beiser, WIRED, 26 Apr. 2018
The radioactivity will not even penetrate a sheet of paper.
—Fabian Schmidt, USA TODAY, 9 Mar. 2018
When wild boars consume the truffles in winter, their radioactivity levels increase, per the Post.
—Will Sullivan, Smithsonian Magazine, 13 Sep. 2023
Chemistry may not always be the most headline-grabbing of the prizes, but past recipients include scientific greats such as radioactivity pioneers Ernest Rutherford and Marie Curie.
—David Hodari, NBC News, 9 Oct. 2024
The double Nobel Prize winner is most famous for her discovery of radioactivity, as well as the radioactive elements radium and polonium.
—Clara Moskowitz, Scientific American, 15 Oct. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'radioactivity.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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