How to Use selfishly in a Sentence
Some of you just couldn't selfishly put your pride aside huh??!?!?
—James Brizuela, Newsweek, 6 Nov. 2024
But the grocery store doesn't enforce the rule, and some adults selfishly choose not to do so.
—Kara Alaimo, CNN, 10 Jan. 2022
And for me, more selfishly—what would this mean for my June wedding?
—Sandhira Wijayaratne, Scientific American, 28 Aug. 2021
The purpose is, selfishly, to serve my own mental health.
—Jack Irvin, Peoplemag, 18 Aug. 2022
When available, the side of roasted wild mushrooms is a gem to be shared or to be selfishly guarded.
—Ben Jarrell, Charlotte Observer, 31 Jan. 2024
For sure, plenty of people are selfishly refusing to roll up their sleeves for the greater, moral good.
—Los Angeles Times, 12 Aug. 2021
Research has found that people behave more selfishly around their close friends than with others who are less close.
—Evan Polman, WSJ, 10 Feb. 2022
And when looking at it selfishly in this was, as any fan might, the end result is a basketball product the likes of which have never been seen within a car ride of my house.
—Mark Deeks, Forbes, 29 Nov. 2023
And even though Miranda jokes about selfishly purchasing the mixer so both of them can enjoy it, who can blame her?
—Chaise Sanders, Country Living, 19 Oct. 2021
And through that, even selfishly, finding new people to inspire us by being a part of a thing that feels real, rather than part of a thing that feels performative.
—Katie Bain, Billboard, 13 Aug. 2022
The move came from love, and perhaps from Deborah, a little bit selfishly, wanting to enjoy her success alone.
—Alex Abad-Santos, Vox, 23 May 2024
As the pandemic has shown, our species is prone to kicking the can down the road, to selfishly putting off the change and sacrifice needed to avoid collective future catastrophe.
—William Falk, The Week, 3 Sep. 2022
Supplied Given that the British rather selfishly consume 95 percent of their acclaimed sparkling wines themselves, the surest way to sample the product is to visit the vineyards and buy direct.
—Ben Oliver, Robb Report, 18 Feb. 2023
Lee chalked it up to a small percent of attendees behaving selfishly.
—Dino Grandoni and Kim Bellware, Anchorage Daily News, 6 Sep. 2023
To live intelligently selfishly is to understand that our well-being is linked with the well-being of others.
—Chris Schembra, Rolling Stone, 5 Sep. 2024
Too many passengers selfishly think that being one of the first to board gives them the right to occupy more than one spot in the overhead, often using up that additional spot with something that could fit under the seat.
—WSJ, 9 Mar. 2023
At this moment, Irving is perceived as one of the most selfishly misguided players in all of professional sports, and that’s saying something.
—Bill Plaschke, Los Angeles Times, 20 June 2022
However, the show reduced Hope to a lovesick girl pining desperately (and selfishly) for a boy not nearly as impressive as herself.
—Amanda Ostuni,, 28 June 2022
So, selfishly, visiting the attraction during the day gave me the opportunity to appreciate all the work Stross and his team put in to curating the props, costuming and sets featured in the haunt.
—Grace Tucker, The Enquirer, 23 Oct. 2024
Book banning is an example of the folks who have political aspirations trying to keep their name on the national radar, very selfishly at the expense of our students.
—Time, 13 July 2023
So perhaps selfishly rooted in the preservation of my sanity, my go-to host gift is bubbles: simple, inexpensive and sure to entertain kids as well as amuse adults.
—Ellie Pithers Wei Tchou Alice Newell-Hanson Caitie Kelly Betsy Horan Jinnie Lee Megan O’Sullivan, New York Times, 24 July 2023
There are also cases, although less common, where the manager does, in fact, implement their employees’ great ideas but selfishly takes the credit for themselves.
—Mark Murphy, Forbes, 18 Mar. 2022
People were selfishly hoarding, onlookers claimed, or just wanted to feel a sense of control amid uncertainty.
—Chelsea Wald, Wired, 18 Apr. 2021
Makers of traditional Venetian masks said protesters who had no stake in the tourism industry had acted selfishly.
—New York Times, 2 Aug. 2021
Who wants a governor who caves so easily to pressure and selfishly chooses to expand her suburban vote rather than serve the ten million New Yorkers who would have benefited from the program?
—Alex Matthiessen, New York Daily News, 6 June 2024
My observation is that a lot of companies are challenged by leaders selfishly hoarding talent.
—Amber Burton, Fortune, 21 July 2023
Now, the audience is asked to accept that this same man is capable of regretting his selfishly motivated violence and thinking deeply about how his propensity for mindless rage affects those close to him.
—Reid McCarter, WIRED, 16 Dec. 2022
No honest person can selfishly deplete entire buckets of candy offered to them on Halloween night only to celebrate contentment a few weeks later.
—Faith Barton, San Diego Union-Tribune, 22 Nov. 2023
And selfishly, altruism has a direct impact on our own fulfillment, mental health, and satisfaction.
—Brent Gleeson, Forbes, 22 Sep. 2021
Every fight scenario either causes Miguel embarrassment or ends with him selfishly alienating his friends.
—Maya Phillips, New York Times, 16 Sep. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'selfishly.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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