How to Use unmemorable in a Sentence
Frankly, the plot is workmanlike and unmemorable, but the characters and the issues raised give the finale its heft.
—Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica, 12 Dec. 2018
Deep fried karaage chicken thighs were expertly prepared, but unmemorable, and the same can be said about the salmon roll, which did the job, but not much more.
—Andi Berlin, The Arizona Republic, 24 May 2022
Gomez spent most of the Mass on his bishop’s throne, offering some unmemorable words toward the end.
—Los Angeles Times, 2 Sep. 2022
Yet despite a high-profile fly-by from Tom Cruise – inviting the king to be his wingman – so much of the show felt trivial and unmemorable.
—Mike McCahill, Variety, 8 May 2023
Most dreams are fairly ordinary and unmemorable, but dreams with threat, fear or danger tend to stick with you.
—Tracy Brower, Forbes, 26 June 2022
The other option — a salad of Brussels sprout leaves and a date or two — was bright and light, but otherwise unmemorable.
—Amy Carr,, 30 Jan. 2018
But the overall lack of conviction reduces content that should be alarming and macabre to the status of an unmemorable time-killer.
—Dennis Harvey, Variety, 11 Apr. 2024
The Howard Ashman-Alan Menken tunes are still very catchy, but all the new interpretations were unmemorable.
—Darren Franich,, 6 Nov. 2019
The hymns are no less unmemorable for our having to wait as the organ drowns out the handful of congregants pretending to sing all 14 verses.
—Nicholas Frankovich, National Review, 9 Apr. 2020
Jonathan Gitlin Not memorable to drive In day-to-day life, the Lyriq driving experience was frankly unmemorable.
—Jonathan M. Gitlin, Ars Technica, 30 May 2024
But advertisements to raise awareness and funding for the study of plants, such as the wild tulip, were either nonexistent or unmemorable.
—Camille Fine, USA TODAY, 18 May 2022
Already, the people out of whom capitalism would make an unmemorable meal are flocking to defend the brands.
—Danez Smith, The New Yorker, 5 June 2020
Cars can be like that too: so boring, humdrum and unmemorable that driving them is as thrilling as buying a new box of dryer softener sheets.
—Tribune News Service, cleveland, 6 Mar. 2021
The Hasselblad camera in the Pro (which has a very unmemorable name, the L1D-20c) delivers great footage with accurate color.
—Vjeran Pavic, The Verge, 6 Sep. 2018
Thought Michaels had a very unmemorable final call of the last play, which admittedly was an awkward sequence given a deflection in the end zone on a Hail Mary.
—Richard Deitsch,, 5 Feb. 2018
And plenty of unmemorable, low-budget fare found its way to movie screens long before streaming existed.
—Stephanie Zacharek, Time, 14 Sep. 2021
Today, the right way to deal with a password field is to have your password manager generate a string of random, unmemorable junk characters to stick in the password field.
—Ron Amadeo, Ars Technica, 9 Dec. 2022
The one where seven of Bucks’ nine best players sat, an unmemorable final battle before the coronavirus shutdown.
—Jr Radcliffe, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 14 Aug. 2020
The score by Stephen Weiner (music) and Peter Mills (lyrics) is proficient and yet totally unmemorable.
—Frank Scheck, The Hollywood Reporter, 9 Oct. 2017
May your final hours be bright and blessedly unmemorable.
—Julia Wick, Los Angeles Times, 29 Dec. 2020
His version also adds a few songs — mostly unmemorable — that had originally been written by Rodgers and Hammerstein over the years.
—Joanne Engelhardt, The Mercury News, 25 July 2019
Each group of hub levels culminates in an uninspired boss encounter, most of which are pretty enjoyable, if unmemorable.
—Mitch Wallace, Forbes, 28 May 2022
Each model has variants, each of those variants have configurations with too many sound-alike model numbers (thank you, Intel), and many of the model names are unmemorable names.
—Kevin Purdy, Ars Technica, 25 Nov. 2022
One particularly unmemorable game last season featured more LSU players on the floor (5) than fans in the student section (4).
—Alex Hickey, ajc, 10 Nov. 2017
From the outside, LGA9—named, like most Amazon warehouses, after a nearby airport—is deeply unmemorable.
—Mike Murphy, Quartz, 12 July 2019
Here Myrtha was performed with one-note efficiency and unmemorable impact by lean, wraith-like Angelina Vlashinets.
—Robert Greskovic, WSJ, 28 Jan. 2020
The film works best in its gauzy opening act, as Wright leads the viewer on a stylish trip down memory lane; when the plot turns grim, and the viewer is repeatedly bashed by the director’s thesis, Last Night in Soho turns into an unmemorable slog.
—David Sims, The Atlantic, 30 Oct. 2021
Without anchoring detail, the effect is both musically and dramatically unmemorable, none of which is the fault of the cast.
—David Benedict, Variety, 13 Dec. 2022
However, the call ended up being pretty unmemorable, Bharara said.
—Miranda Green, CNN, 20 Sep. 2017
The movie itself, a weightless, unmemorable summer distraction, offers its own curious meta-variation on the joke.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 13 June 2019
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'unmemorable.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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