How to Use unmolested in a Sentence
The police had a quick chat with him and sent him on his way unmolested.
—Alex Pareene, The New Republic, 3 June 2020
Prior to that, though, Jones walled off his side of the line and helped ensure C.J. Stroud’s unmolested minutes in the pocket.
—Nathan Baird, cleveland, 17 Jan. 2022
The right of residence — to remain unmolested in the territory of the nation — was urgent in Wears’ view.
—Martha S. Jones, Time, 9 July 2018
Barr allowed the Mueller probe to reach its conclusion unmolested.
—Rich Lowry, National Review, 19 Feb. 2020
Beyond its vernal beauty, such a carpet is a product of decades of unmolested increase, aided by the insects that spread the seeds.
—Adrian Higgins, Washington Post, 4 Sep. 2019
Jackson Yueill then sealed the win in the 85th minute, standing unmolested in the middle of a quartet of Galaxy defenders and volleying home the rebound of a Qazaishvili shot.
—Kevin Baxter,, 13 July 2019
The global order that the Navy maintains ensures that maritime trade flows unmolested.
—Benedict D. Capaldi, National Review, 7 Apr. 2020
Florida Atlantic took him out of his route quickly, but that left Ruckert unmolested in the second level, and Fields made the read for his fourth touchdown pass.
—Nathan Baird,, 31 Aug. 2019
When a youngster of about four years held out its hand, Huxley, after a moment, very gently cuffed it on the head, but a female with a tiny infant was allowed to feed from the carcass unmolested.
—National Geographic, 17 Apr. 2019
Straight, unmolested country two-lanes, shadowed by buttes and mesas and purple table-top hummocks that lead an ever-upward march to Guadalupe Peak at 8751 feet—the highest point in Texas.
—John Phillips, Car and Driver, 9 Jan. 2023
Within days, two bluebirds built a new nest, but left it with one naked chick inside an otherwise pristine nest, unmolested.
—Joan Morris, The Mercury News, 22 July 2019
The following year, Constantine co-issued the Edict of Milan, granting Christians the right to practice their faith unmolested.
—Tom Bissell, New York Times, 13 Feb. 2018
Most tumors shield themselves from the body and grow unmolested, but various emerging tactics are teaching the immune system to fight back.
—Nathaniel Scharping, Discover Magazine, 29 Aug. 2017
What’s most striking within the buffer zone is the stillness of the place and the range of wildlife that can be encountered, such as a rare species of barn owl that has been allowed to multiply unmolested by human habitation.
—Washington Post, 9 Nov. 2019
At the same time, as humans have gone inside, we have been given a practical glimpse of what the world might be, or be again, left unmolested: monkeys in hotel swimming pools or wild goats owning a Welsh village.
—Los Angeles Times, 22 Apr. 2020
How else to describe the moment that Archie came face to face with a duplicate, unmolested example of his favorite squeak toy: A nubby pink rabbit that over months of use has lost its ears and acquired a grimy patina?
—Washington Post, 28 Mar. 2021
The contemporary Persian historian Juvayni fancied that a virgin with a gold dish could walk unmolested from one end of the empire to the other.
—Colin Thubron, The New York Review of Books, 6 July 2021
But small groups of migrants, identifiable by both their weary gait and their backpacks, continue passing through the town unmolested by locals.
—Dudley Althaus,, 23 June 2019
The question is whether he will be allowed to complete his investigation unmolested by the president who derides his efforts as a witch hunt.
—Paul Thornton,, 26 May 2018
After the station closed in 1966, the reindeer grazed unmolested, devastating the island’s native plants, including the tussock grasses in which seabirds nest.
—Lucy Jakub, Harper's magazine, 2 Mar. 2020
In friezes, only one figure might show damage while others remain unmolested.
—Edward Rothstein, WSJ, 17 June 2019
In Season 1, this means his local environment is transformed: While there are perks, such as being served special chicken at restaurants, the main symptom of fame is his inability to leave the house unmolested.
—Spencer Kornhaber, The Atlantic, 20 Mar. 2018
Ferns -- plants that have survived various challenges for more than 300 million years -- typically remain unmolested by deer.
—cleveland, 4 June 2020
Should Catalonia win its freedom, Europe’s leaders will put pragmatism before principle and ensure its place in the EU remains unmolested.
—The Economist, 14 Oct. 2017
Offshore oil rigs sat unmolested along a blue horizon, and tourists splashed in the Gulf while Dorian terrorized distant latitudes, after leaving wreckage in the Carolinas and devastation in the Bahamas.
—Avi Selk, Washington Post, 8 Sep. 2019
But weeks before those forces' entry, a string of pickup trucks mounted with machine guns and loaded with masked al-Qaida militants drove out of al-Said unmolested, according to a tribal mediator involved in the deal for their withdrawal.
—Maggie Michael, Fox News, 7 Aug. 2018
But the Madison house apparently was unmolested, and the Declaration survived with only some moisture damage sustained while hidden.
—Author: Michael E. Ruane, Anchorage Daily News, 19 Feb. 2018
On Monday morning, social media was rife with liberals complaining that their representatives would endorse the notion that Trump officials should glide through life unmolested.
—Benjamin Hart, Daily Intelligencer, 25 June 2018
Welcome to the progressive normal, where antagonisms are inflamed, celebrations of a hero of the American founding become politicized—and statues that went unmolested for decades aren’t safe without police protection.
—William McGurn, WSJ, 9 Oct. 2017
Stockbridge, Massachusetts, is located among the Berkshire Mountains and has remained seemingly unmolested by time.
—Augusten Burroughs, Town & Country, 23 Apr. 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'unmolested.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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