How to Use urbanize in a Sentence
But for a world that’s rapidly urbanizing and heating, the truly cool tech is bikes.
—Clive Thompson, WIRED, 13 May 2018
Africa is urbanizing faster than any other region of the world.
—Jeffrey Gettleman, New York Times, 27 Jan. 2018
And coastal risk is building even faster through the surge in populations in a fast-urbanizing world.
—Andrew Revkin, National Geographic, 5 Apr. 2019
Just like any other civilization that chose to urbanize, the Romans were up against a problem: What to do with all this waste?
—Lina Zeldovich, Smithsonian Magazine, 15 Nov. 2021
Some people didn’t want to urbanize the city, preferring that money be spent on roadways.
—Elizabeth Findell, WSJ, 27 Dec. 2020
At the same time, the world population is growing and urbanizing rapidly.
—Alexis Benveniste, CNN, 28 Feb. 2020
But unless the world can find better ways to get water to a rapidly urbanizing population in Africa and Asia, the next 25 years might not be nearly as positive.
—National Geographic, 1 Mar. 2016
Now, the rapidly urbanizing county is beginning a discussion that could result in a change to that agreement.
—Patricia Sullivan, Washington Post, 28 Dec. 2019
But the tanker industry might also be an early illustration of how parts of the private sector stand to profit from a warming and fast-urbanizing world.
—Peter Schwartzstein, New York Times, 11 Jan. 2020
These dingy apartments were on the most coveted plots of city real estate, and as China urbanized, their value rocketed.
—Gwynn Guilford, Quartz, 11 June 2019
As the area continues to grow and urbanize, the amount of impervious surfaces like streets and parking lots increases, Simonsen said.
—Jordan Miller, The Salt Lake Tribune, 3 July 2021
In the age of roadside IEDs, urbanizing warfare, and sporadic firefights, suddenly going airborne could be nifty.
—Aarian Marshall, WIRED, 18 May 2016
Mobile homes are most often found in rural areas, and the Sacramento region has urbanized significantly over the last few decades.
—Phillip Reese, sacbee, 12 Jan. 2018
Like most countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Tanzania is urbanizing while still poor.
—Nichole Sobecki, National Geographic, 5 Apr. 2019
The $50-million program will offer technical help to companies looking to enter or grow in Africa, which is urbanizing more rapidly than anywhere else on Earth.
—Washington Post, 20 June 2019
Similarly, mail-order firms like Sears faced potential loss of their markets as the nation urbanized 100 years ago and entered the automobile age.
—Vicki Howard, Smithsonian, 25 July 2017
Similarly, mail-order firms like Sears faced potential loss of their markets as the nation urbanized 100 years ago and entered the automobile age.
—Vicki Howard, Smithsonian, 25 July 2017
The country was rapidly urbanizing; previously far-flung places were newly linked by railroads.
—Rachel Monroe, The Atlantic, 6 Mar. 2018
The program, widely seen as the White House’s Africa strategy, was designed to provide technical help to companies trying to enter or expand in Africa, which is urbanizing more quickly than anywhere else.
—Danielle Paquette, Washington Post, 25 Oct. 2019
While Manhattan was urbanizing, Queens, a patchwork of commercial nurseries, was more pastoral.
—New York Times, 6 Mar. 2020
Much of Latin America also urbanized rapidly without services such as schooling and policing, creating belts of excluded groups around cities.
—David Luhnow, WSJ, 20 Sep. 2018
In Gambia, an overwhelmingly young and quickly urbanizing nation that now has one of the highest rates of mobile phone use in Africa, listeners stretch from the capital, Banjul, into the countryside and abroad to the diaspora.
—Julie Turkewitz,, 1 Sep. 2019
China was urbanizing at an unprecedented rate and had become a playground for architects.
—Oliver Giles, CNN, 26 June 2017
As the human population continues to urbanize and consume more fossil fuel, the health, social and economic impacts of summer urban overheating loom as major threats to the well-being of city dwellers worldwide.
—Merrill Singer, Slate Magazine, 8 Aug. 2017
The ecological consequences of such a timing shift could thus be serious, especially as our world continues to urbanize at an increasing pace.
—Breanna Draxler, Discover Magazine, 14 Feb. 2013
The sport is losing its popularity among younger Americans as cultural attitudes about hunting change, and the country continues to urbanize.
—Laurel Chor, Quartz, 8 July 2019
Many areas have urbanized, with more walkable streets, independent boutiques and eateries.
—Katy McLaughlin, WSJ, 29 Mar. 2018
However, although Vietnam is urbanizing, almost two-thirds of its population still live in rural areas.
—Sarah Lazarus, CNN, 6 Apr. 2020
Until recently, a property boom helped fuel China's rapid growth, as Chinese developers powered the country's efforts to urbanize and build a modern economy.
—Grady McGregor, Fortune, 18 July 2022
Is this a solution to the continent's rapidly urbanizing population?
—Chris Giles, CNN, 12 Dec. 2017
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'urbanize.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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